Anatomy For Fitness Professionals

How to Master Muscular Anatomy Fast & Avoid the 5 Most Common Anatomy Mistakes
Anatomy = Foundation of Exercise ScienceLearning anatomy as a fitness professional is like learning to build a foundation as an architect; it supports everything else!Everything else is built on top of it!Personal training is super dynamic and intimate, so I suppose you could make the same claim about personality being foundational; if the client doesn’t want to spend time with you because of your bad attitude or bad communication skills, it really doesn’t matter how much you know!But that is why we break up personal training sills into categories. Because training is so dynamic, it is helpful to break up the various skill sets into 3 key mega-competencies: interpersonal skills, exercise science, and business acumen.Anatomy and biomechanics are the very foundation of exercise science, with physiology secondary. (What is physiology anyway, except your anatomies response to forces/mechanics? Feel free to disagree in the comments, I know this isn’t a popular perspective, but I think it is one worth examining.)It really doesn’t matter how much you know about other areas of exercise science, if you don’t have a strong foundation in biomechanics and anatomy, you will not be able to accurately and safely apply your knowledge.
Types of AnatomyWithin anatomy, there are multiple focuses; neural anatomy, bony anatomy, muscular anatomy. As a trainer, it is VERY important to keep in mind how many other structures there are in the body that affects its performance and health.Yes, initially we should be focused on muscular anatomy, but as fitness professionals, we have to keep in mind that we tend to be too focused on muscles sometimes. Often, a tight muscle will tighten because of a fascial restriction! Everything is connected to everything through the fascial network. Just keep this in mind when you are problem solving and studying.As you advance, more time should be spent on learning more advanced anatomy like fascial anatomy, and the anatomy of the tendons, ligaments, and how they attach to bony surfaces.
Practice Makes PerfectThere are a lot of great tools out there to learn anatomy. Use these tools, the first one is free, and practice with other trainers. Make cards, quiz each other, and try to link the specific names to your own exercise routine when you workout.[Anatomy for fitness] – This website is AWESOME! It is a digital animation of the muscular system. Click and drag a little slider under each joint, and it will build the muscular support system around it from the most deep to the most superficial. Very cool and definitely worth checking out, you can also click to see each muscles action, which is good but very simplified. (Be sure to read “Most Common Anatomy Mistakes” below). And it’s free! Also, you can take a quiz on the site. Every new fitness professional should know about this site and spend time on it, it is great.Human Anatomy Atlas of Human Anatomy DVD Set -This dvd set is AMAZING! I have watched all but one of the dvds (the 6th one is about the organs). While it is on the pricey side to get all 6 at once, it is a great reference for anyone who wants to take their anatomy to the next level. They basically build a fresh cadaver in front of you, with precise animation to show each origin and insertion. They start with the bony anatomy, and then build the muscles from deep to superficial on top, show the tissues from 360 views. Then they show the vascular and neural anatomy, and have quizzes between each section. You can also start with just one DVD at a time, and watch just 10 minutes a day. It is fascinating! All these intricate structures are the bodies evolutionary reaction to FORCE! DVD 1, 2, and 3 are most important for newer trainers, as they are upper extremity, lower extremity, and trunk/core.Fitness Anatomy Strength Training Anatomy Book – This is a great book. Detailed, colorful, and just plain fun to look at. The muscles illustrations are very much of a jacked body builder, it is not what you will normally find in a general population client, but it is a cool guide to basic anatomy. There is not as much attention to anatomy of the “passive structures” (bones, ligaments, tendons) and spinal anatomy.Cadaver Course – One of the best ways to learn is to get your hands dirty! I went to this class and it was AWESOME! We are so used to thinking of these tissues as separate, as they appear in books, but they are all intertwined together! It was eye opening to see the fibers of the rhomboid fan into the fibers of the Serratus! It looked like one muscle! This is a link to the RTS website. They have a cadaver class in Pittsburgh and in Connecticut. If you are in another part of the world, you should be able to find a cadaver class at any university with related courses. The cool thing about the RTS anatomy elective is you can get continuing education credits, and it is a requirement for your Resistance Training Specialist certification. But don’t let it stop you if you are not in CT or Pittsburgh, find a class and get your hands dirty!
Most Common Anatomy Mistakes!These are the BIGGEST mistakes that fitness professionals AND BOOKS make about anatomy:1. The action of the muscle tissue is entirely dependent on its position! Yes, your hip adductors move your legs inward toward each other if they are abducted, BUT they will extend the hip if you are in the hip is fully flexed, or extend the hip if it is fully flexed. If you are just starting out, don’t get confused, just focus on the most obvious muscular action, but keep in mind that each muscles function is positional, and will change based on the position of the joints.2. Each muscle has some kind of function in every plane, and it has an eccentric action, concentric action, and isometric action. Oh, and by every plane, I don’t mean all 3 planes because there is an INFINITE # of planes (another major yet common anatomy mistake.) What plane is cutting a diagonal with your arm? If this blows your mind, I recommend taking the RTS certification ASAP!3. We tend to focus on superficial muscles and anterior muscles because they are easier to see and appease our vanity! Do not make this mistake with your own body or your clients; without balance, symmetry, and the deeper/smaller stabilizers, you WILL become a cripple sooner or later!4. Do NOT try to impress your clients with your knowledge of anatomy! Naming the deep 6 hip rotators will not impress your prospect! Unless they are a doctor, they will only be confused and maybe intimidated! ALWAYS talk to your client in a language they understand; this is better for communication and sales. Yes, as you build a relationship, you should expand your client’s knowledge so they take control of their fitness, but even then, focus giving them practical knowledge and not Latin names. In the beginning, if they say “I want smaller arms, they look like old lady arms”, you say “Well this program will specifically target those granny arms.” You will sell more packages guaranteed.5. One other quick note on language. At all costs, avoid using the word “Functional” where ever you want just to sound knowledgeable. Yes people like it, and it is a buzz word, but buzz words are often very ineffective at communication. Instead of “functional” say “exercise or program xyz will help you function better at ABC or perform better at ABC or transfer over to activity ABC”. Major pet peeve of mine! Don’t just sound smart when you can be smart!I sure hope this is helpful! Please leave me some questions in the comments and I will get right back to you. SHOW ME YOU ARE ALIVE!o How did you learn anatomy?
o What is the hardest part?
o What mistakes have you made?Leave me some comments and let me know.Until next time, keep your business fit.Johnny Fitness

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Fort Collins Real Estate: Market Situation and Trends

Amidst the lush green surroundings, Fort Collins provides families and couples a wonderful locality to settle into. The real estate and value of property was in a decline but gradually the prices have picked up again; causing several sellers and buyers to enter the market. The Fort Collins real estate market situation has also considerably improved despite a continued presence of distressed properties. These distressed properties are foreclosures and short sales. The overall Fort Collins property market has increased slightly with a 1% increase since June 2013. The prospect buyers can either choose a condo/apartment or a single family home for themselves. The market price of houses in Fort Collins has a less dramatic real estate drop than other areas of the state and country. This implies that the price of Fort Collins property will also show lesser gradual recovery because of the lesser drop to recover from initially. The current market statistics for Fort Collins real estate are:

Average Listing Price: $273,251
Median Listing Price: $235,200, up 3% from 2010
Current Inventory (properties/homes available): 1039 Listings
Recently sold: 402
New Listings: 488
Distressed: 1

The right to invest is NOW

If we observe the first half of 2011, we will notice that there have been 5,617 sales in that period which in comparison to 2010 were 5991. This shows a 6% decrease in Fort Collins property sales. If we consider the inflated sales due to the tax credit in the spring of 2010 then this fall is instead a healthy improvement. Without such artificial enticements, the market has remained strong and grown to almost equal levels this year. The median listing price in Fort Collins went down from June to July. There were a total of 28 price increases and 147 price decreases. The final conclusion is that it is a great time to invest in Fort Collins property.

Fort Collins real estate listings are available online for buyers to browse through and hunt for houses as per their requirements. These listings are constantly updated so that any house up for the sale in the market is immediately added in the database. The real estate market is always considered a buyer’s market especially after the aftermath of the national mortgage crash and the economic turndown. If you are looking to buy property in Fort Collins then you need to adjust your practices accordingly.

Buyers vs. Sellers

Thanks to the improving situation in real estate, the buyer’s market is now a seller’s market. According to the real estate experts, the shift of market trends is a process that is caused by several buyers and sellers when they are practically indulging in the buying and selling of property. If you are hunting for a house then you should prequalify for financing. It is most likely that you will be competing for same property against people who have enough money in their hand. The Fort Collins real estate market is fast-moving with sellers inclined to accept an offer on the contingency that the buyer can round up the necessary funds.

If you have already made up your mind to purchase a home then you should be willing to immediately put up an offer and pay upfront because the house may not be available in the market for a long-time. Experts say that the days of making low-ball offers are over as low interest rates on home loans and pent-up demand are driving speedy sales. The buyers who have been sitting on the fence for past couple of years would be happy to know that Fort Collins real estate market situation is constantly improving.

This statement is further backed by the number of sales made during this year. Fort Collins has not experienced valleys and peaks as dramatic as other areas in the boom and bust times for the market. The last decade witnessed loose lending practices to steer the mortgage industry off a cliff. However, this time around, the real estate industry is all set on a sustained rebound. Lenders are scrutinizing the prospective buyers while the buyers are making more informed and practical choices. All these factors contribute to the fact that real estate situation has picked up and confirms to be a fast moving market for buyers and sellers. A laid back attitude in making a valid offer for a house can end you up on losing out on your dream house as there are plenty of buyers willing to make viable offers to the sellers.

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Crisis Or Opportunity – The Truth About The Arizona Real Estate Market

The present real estate market is acting just as it should on the heels of the greatest real estate boom in the last 40 years. There is a long way to fall to get back to “normal”. This falling back into a normal market, coupled with the contraction of the sub-prime mortgage market has the real estate consumer, and many homeowners in a state of fear. The various media continue to depict a very grim picture of the markets in general without distinguishing between the national market and local markets, such as the Arizona real estate market, with factors unique in the ways of population growth and investor activity. I have seen numerous articles referring to the sub-prime debacle as a global crisis. That may be taking it just a bit too far.

The truth is, there is no geopolitical significance to recent events in the U.S. real estate market and the sub-prime crisis. To rise to a level of significance, an event — economic, political, or military — must result in a decisive change in the international system, or at least, a fundamental change in the behavior of a nation. The Japanese banking crisis of the early 1990s was a geopolitically significant event. Japan, the second-largest economy in the world, changed its behavior in important ways, leaving room for China to move into the niche Japan had previously owned as the world’s export dynamo. On the other hand, the dot-com meltdown was not geopolitically significant. The U.S. economy had been expanding for about nine years, a remarkably long time, and was due for a recession. Inefficiencies had become rampant in the system, nowhere more so than in the dot-com bubble. That sector was demolished and life went on.

In contrast to real estate holdings, the dot-com companies often consisted of no real property, no real chattel, and in many cases very little intellectual property. It really was a bubble. There was virtually, (pun intended), no substance to many of the companies unsuspecting investors were dumping money into as those stocks rallied and later collapsed. There was nothing left of those companies in the aftermath because there was nothing to them when they were raising money through their publicly offered stocks. So, just like when you blew bubbles as a little kid, when the bubble popped, there was absolutely nothing left. Not so with real estate, which by definition, is real property. There is no real estate bubble! Real estate ownership in the United States continues to be coveted the world over and local markets will thrive with the Arizona Real Estate market leading the way, as the country’s leader in percent population growth, through the year 2030.

As for the sub-prime “crisis”, we have to take a look at the bigger picture of the national real estate market. To begin with, remember that mortgage delinquency problems affect only people with outstanding loans, and more than one out of three homeowners own their properties debt-free. Of those who have mortgages, approximately 20% are sub-prime. 14.5% of those are delinquent. Sub-prime loans in default make up only about 2.9% of the entire mortgage market. Now, consider that only 2/3 of homeowners have a mortgage, and the total percentage of homeowners in default on their sub-prime loans stands at around 1.9%. The remaining two-thirds of all homeowners with active mortgage prime loans that are 30 days past due or more constitute just 2.6% of all loans nationwide. In other words, among mortgages made to borrowers with good credit at application, 97.4% are continuing to be paid on time.

As for the record jumps in new foreclosure filings, again, you’ve got to look closely at the hard data. In 34 states, the rate of new foreclosures actually decreased. In most other states, the increases were minor — except in the California, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona real estate markets. These increases were attributable in part to investors walking away from condos, second homes, and rental houses they bought during the boom years.

Doug Duncan, chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers Association, says that without the foreclosure spikes in those states, “we would have seen a nationwide drop in the rate of foreclosure filings.” In Nevada, for instance, non-owner-occupied (investor) loans accounted for 32% of all serious delinquencies and new foreclosure actions. In Florida, the investor share of serious delinquencies was 25%; in Arizona, 26%; and in California, 21%. That compares with a rate of 13% for the rest of the country. This makes for some great buys for the savvy Arizona real estate investor in the area of short sales, foreclosures, and wholesale properties.

Bottom line: Those nasty foreclosure and delinquency rates you’re hearing about are for real. But they’re highly concentrated among loan types, local and regional economies, and investors who got their foot caught in the door at the end of the “boom” and are just walking away from those poorly performing properties. Most of those investors still have homes to live in, maybe more than one.

In the wake of the boom years, we now have a high inventory of homes on the market, Investors and speculators who quickly bought up homes dumped them just as quickly back on the market in hopes of a fast return. The frenzy of investors purchasing homes put pressure on inventories and drove prices up, further increasing investor activity. Then, as if all at once, many of those investors put their properties on the market, creating an imbalance in the reverse direction. With so many homes on the market, prices began to stall and then fell. Prices will continue to fall until demand chews up excess inventories.

With investors no longer a big part of housing demand, primary homeowners are slowly chipping away at the existing inventory. The Las Vegas housing market will rebound in March 2008, according to the largest and most respected appraisal firm locally. The main contributing factor to the sooner than later rebound of this southwestern city is a growing population and thriving local economy.

Arizona and Nevada are expected to lead the country in percentage population growth for the next 20-25 years. The population of Arizona is expected to approximately double during that time so we can expect a strong housing demand going forward. Normal inventory levels for Phoenix real estate are about 6-8 months. Current inventory is about 10-12 months. So, we are not far above “normal” inventories in Phoenix. There are, however, outlying cities in this large metropolis that have inventories in excess of 1 year. Queen Creek real estate inventory is the worst with approximately a 2-3 year surplus of homes on the market, mostly due to the large percentage of new homes purchased by investors and then quickly flipped back onto the resale market. Surprise and Peoria real estate markets have a 1-2 year inventory for largely the same reason. We are already seeing some Scottsdale real estate and Paradise Valley real estate prices increase in value. Billions of dollars are being poured into the local economy in the way of commercial development from the downtown area to Northeast Phoenix and Scottsdale.

The demand for Arizona homes will remain strong in years ahead as new populations create the need. The demand for housing across our great nation will remain strong as this next generation of young debutantes steps onto the home buying stage. Interest rates are still at historic lows and the lending institutions will continue to offer creative financing options. Sure, some hedge funds lost the air in their tires, but financing sub-prime loans is a high stakes game for the super rich and is not of geopolitical significance. They will find other ways to lend their billions for huge profits in the wake of this sub-prime debacle. Let’s not be gripped in the fear created by reports from all media types trying to “make news”. Let’s face it, the real numbers are not that bloody exciting. Ask yourself, is this an Arizona real estate crisis, or the perfect time to buy an affordable Arizona home? Proper timing and negotiating techniques make all the difference in the current Arizona real estate market. When choosing an Arizona realtor, trust the expertise and experience of Equity Alliance Properties.

For up to date Arizona real estate market research, contact Robert Hand at 480.206.8133 or go to []

I attended Wichita State University from 1979 through 1983 majoring in Chemistry. Enlisted the U.S. Navy in June of 1983, specializing in intelligence gathering and dissemination and tactical operations. Served onboard the U.S.S. W.S. Sims FF-1059 through April of 1987 working in Electronics Warfare in the Combat Information Center. Attended the University of the State of New York, majoring in Electronics Technologies while on Active duty. After 4 years of active duty, continued service for 2 more years in the U.S. Naval Reserves through June of 1989.

With an interest in real estate since I was just a young lad, I decided to get my real estate license in 1995, prompted by the allure of investment opportunities in this fast growing city I had found myself surrounded in. For years I helped others invest in their dream homes or make smart gains in the properties they bought and sold. I also helped my colleagues who came to this country to work from overseas find a home for their families.

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